WRITE NOW…with Nancy Bo Flood

nancy and books

To meet Nancy Bo Flood is to be put immediately at ease by her calm and gentle manner, as well as her kindness. All of this is evident in her writing–along with the richness of her storytelling and her evocative and lyrical language. In Nancy’s newest book, Water Runs Through This Book, she writes of water–both ubiquitous and oft taken for granted–and creates a sympathetic character out of that most life-sustaining of nature’s gifts. It is my absolute pleasure to host on WRITE NOW, the lovely and talented, Nancy Bo Flood.


The Pueblo people of the desert say,

“Water speaks to water.”

We are water. In this information book, my main character is water. The challenge given to me by iUtah* was to write a middle-grade book that students would want to read – and keep reading – a page-turner. The challenge I gave to myself was to create a character as complex and interesting – even surprising – as any character in a novel with problems to solve and with a heart. I wanted my reader to not only learn about water, but also to care about water, to feel a sense of wonder and also a sense of concern.Nancybookcover

I began with developing identity. A character in a book becomes real, becomes someone the reader cares about, when the reader identifies with the character.

So I began: “You are water. Even your bones. Your brain is mostly water – eight out of every ten molecules in your head are water. Water runs through our bodies, brings food and oxygen to our cells, and allows us to breathe, sweat, stand up, and move. Then water cleans up, taking away what pollutes and poisons.

Call of the sea, come get me...

Call of the sea, come get me…

Next I wanted to develop surprise, amazement, and even wonder. Did you know that when we cry, our tears contain hormones and minerals that are part of healing? Flamingoes cry. Their tears contain salt. Flamingos are one of the few land creatures that can drink salt water and live.

Did you know that the water we drink is as old as the dinosaurs? Or that astronomers search the universe for signs of water because where there is water, there can be life? But we are polluting and destroying this precious resource.

Can clean, drinkable water become extinct?

Identification, engagement, information, caring … and then, my last goal was to suggest simple ways every one of us can conserve and protect water. If we understand the importance of water and feel the beauty of water, how can we not care about water?

Water is beauty

Water is beauty

“The Navajo people share this story: Earth fell in love with Sky, and Sky with Earth. There was such joy! Their happiness filled the clouds with laughing, splashing rain.

And in the end, perhaps beauty is water’s deepest mystery.

And so, thank you, for listening, reading, and thinking about water….”

                 “Water talking with water.”


* grant support from Utah State University, the National Science Foundation, and iUtah, a water education and research consortium, with publication by Fulcrum Publishers

Water Runs Through This Book by Nancy Bo Flood with photographs by Jan Sonnenmair, is a multi-genre (narration, poetry, plus photographs) exploration of one of life’s essential ingredients, water.


Nancy Bo Flood’s previous books include the award-winning WARRIORS IN THE CROSSFIRE and  COWBOY UP! RIDE THE NAVAJO RODEO. Nancy is a graduate of the Vermont College of Fine Arts and has worked as a teacher, counselor, researcher, and writer, in settings as diverse as Malawi, Hawaii, Japan, Saipan, and most recently, the Navajo Nation in northern Arizona where water is precious.

GIVEAWAY! How fortunate we are that Nancy is offering copies of her book, Water Runs Through This Book, to 5 lucky winners! Just comment on the post for a chance to win!

12 Responses to “WRITE NOW…with Nancy Bo Flood”

  1. sally suehler

    What a beautiful book!I tried (and I think failed) to write a PB on clean, pure air. Also emphasizingthe importance of what we take into our lungs. Maybe I’ll try again! Thanks for sharing today. Sally

  2. ChristineTB

    Sounds like a fabulous book. So joyful. I’ll be sharing the link to this article on social media! 🙂 Congratulations Nancy!

  3. Sandra Whitton

    It is a great privilege to know Nancy Flood. Her courage, talent, and perseverance are models for each of us.
    As a member of Spell Binders story tellers I will use her books for Elementary School students.

  4. Penelope Anne Cole

    Hi Nancy and Jennifer,
    this sounds like an amazing and timely book. I hope I win a copy. I’m going to re-tweet this, too. Blessings for success in reaching your target audience. Penelope

  5. Nina Kidd

    Thank you, Nancy, for tackling a super-tough subject — drawing attention to an essential part of our lives, then helping us see it anew, and with delight.

  6. nancyboflood

    Thank you, everyone, truly I have no words to say how important YOUR words and thoughts are. You all know how the writing road is up and down, long with frustrations and surprises. We write because we believe in the stories we need to tell. We can write because of the community of friends and family who help, critique, encourage and cheer us on. You are part of this water book, water talking with water.

  7. Jane Heitman Healy

    Jennifer, thank you for featuring Nancy and her book. It looks like a beautiful, interesting, important addition to informational books about water and the environment. And how could someone named Flood not write about water? Thanks, Jennifer and Nancy!

  8. Jennifer

    Thank you all for visiting as we celebrate Nancy’s wonderful book. I’m pleased to announce that the winners of the book giveaway are Mary, Christine, Penelope Anne, Jane and Deborah. I’ll contact each of the winners privately. Thank you again for stopping by and for your kind words.